Through This Guide, You Will Learn:
✓ What DR is (separating fact from fiction)
✓ What causes DR (HINT: It’s not just pregnancy)
✓ How to spot DR (in anyone, male or female)
✓ How to mitigate DR issues during pregnancy
✓ How to (more accurately) assess for DR
✓ Postural adjustments to expedite healing
✓ 5 core recovery exercises to help you heal DR
✓ Additional resources to support you
Price: $27
Guide Contents
Understand what Diastasis Recti (DR) is — separating fact from fiction — and learn how to spot it. Note – you may very likely spot this in people who have never had children as well.
Understand why some degree of Diastasis Recti is a normal and necessary pregnancy adaptation to allow baby space to grow, move, and eventually exit. Then, discover what activities and behaviors that can exacerbate DR and make it become more problematic. You’ll also learn why DR can occur in those who have never been pregnant — including males, powerlifters, and more.
With an appreciation for those activities and behaviors that can exacerbate DR, learn how to make the appropriate adjustments to mitigate DR during pregnancy and set yourself (or your clients) up for a faster postpartum recovery.
Learn how to perform the DR assessment in a manner that improves your testing accuracy (and when it’s appropriate to perform this assessment). You’ll also learn how to proceed in cases that are hard to assess.
Discover simple postural and movement adjustments to help you expedite healing, then learn 5 highly effective core exercises that will help you rebuild your core from the inside out.
Learn about, and get links to, various resources that can be helpful in your recovery journey.