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How to Check Yourself for Diastasis Recti

Checking yourself for Diastasis Recti can be a frustrating experience. Perhaps one day you check yourself and you have a gap that’s 2 fingers wide, but the next day the gap seems smaller (hooray!). Then you check again the following week and now the gap is closer to 3 finger widths. What’s going on? Is your gap really changing this much? Likely not.

Unfortunately, the Diastasis Recti test is an imperfect one with many variables that can influence your results. Moreover, the width of your gap is NOT the most telling indicator of your DR severity. 

Wait what? Yes…that’s right.

In this post, we’ll walk you through step-by-step how to perform the DR assessment, what exactly to look for, and how to perform the test in a manner that improves your testing accuracy. Finally, we’ll share some guidance on how to take action on your results so you can confidently begin your healing process.

Diastasis Recti: What to Check For

Before we discuss how to perform the test, let’s briefly discuss what you are checking for.

Recall that Diastasis Recti is a separation of the left and right sides of the rectus abdominis muscle. Therefore, the first thing to check for is how far apart the left and right sides of your rectus abdominis muscle are. While there is no standard definition of DR, the most well-accepted definition is a gap width of 2.7 cm (approximately 2 finger-widths) or greater. In other words, try to feel for the distance between the left and right “ridges” of your rectus abdominis muscle. If you can fit two or more fingers in between those ridges, then this would be considered DR.

Most people think this is the only thing to assess. After all, we almost always hear DR discussed in terms of finger-widths. However, newer research has revealed that depth of separation can actually be a more telling indicator of DR severity (Lee & Hodges, 2016). Unlike the width assessment, there is no objective criteria for assessing depth. In general, when you press down on the gap, how “taut” (or not) does it feel?  If your gap feels shallow and taut — similar to the tissue under your chin when you lift your head (like below) –– this is a good sign. It indicates good integrity of your linea alba connective tissue (the tissue that connects the two sides of your rectus muscle).

However, if your gap feels “soft and squishy” enabling you to sink your fingers down into your abdomen more — more like the tissue in your cheek (like below) — this is a sign of a more compromised linea alba tissue, and therefore your healing process may take longer.

When factoring in your width and depth assessments, the depth measurement weighs more heavily on the speed of your healing process than the width measurement. As an example, a gap that is 3 fingers wide and shallow will likely take LESS time to heal than a gap that is 2 fingers wide and deep.

When to Check for Diastasis Recti

We recommend waiting until you are at least 6 weeks postpartum to perform the DR assessment. Every person will have some degree of DR in the immediate aftermath of delivery, which will heal a bit over the next several weeks. So, waiting at least 6 weeks will give you a more accurate picture of the degree of recovery work needed.

While you can check for DR during pregnancy as well, remember that some degree of DR is a normal and natural part of pregnancy. So, just recognize that if you are checking later in your pregnancy, you will likely have it, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Your body is doing what it is designed to do.

How to Check Yourself for Diastasis Recti

OK now that you understand when to check, and what you are checking for, let’s discuss how to perform the test. Watch the video for an overview, and see the bullet points below, which summarize the key steps. If you are a fitness professional looking for guidance on how to assess your clients, please see How to Check a Client for DR.

Video Recap: Key Points to Remember
  1. Transition onto your back safely: Roll to the side first when transitioning to your back. Once on your back, lie with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and one hand behind your head (like you see in the cover image of this article). With the other hand, place your two fingers just below your sternum, as you see in the video above.
  2. Check yourself at rest first: Before you lift your head, it’s important to check yourself at rest so that you can compare the difference between your at-rest and head-lift check. Begin to walk your fingers down your midline until about 2 inches below your navel – getting a sense of what the tissue feels likeDoes it feel relatively “springy” when you press against it, or does it feel soft and deep with no resistance when you press down? This can be tricky, so just do your best.
  3. Check with a 1 inch head lift: After you’ve performed the at-rest check, take a big inhale and, on the exhale, lift your head only about an inch off the ground. Begin to walk your fingers slowly down your midline – just as you did with the at-rest check – continuing to exhale. Take a rest whenever you need it, then exhale to lift your head again. Continue to check all the way down until 2 inches below your belly button. As you walk your fingers down, you’re checking for two things:
    • Width: Note how many fingers you can fit in between the left and right ridges of youre rectus abdominis (“6-pack”) muscle. Is it 2-finger-widths, 3, 4, more? Typically, the widest gap is at the navel, but not always.
    • Depth: Remember that this is actually the more telling indicator of DR severity. As you’re working your way down, how does your tissue feel as you’re pressing on it? Does it feel “shallow, taut, and springy” — like there is some resistance when you press down? Or is it “soft, squishy, or deep” — with little to no resistance when you press down? Make sure to apply firm pressure so you can glean more precise information.
  4. Note comparison to at-rest check: After you finish the check with your head lifted, compare how your tissue felt to your at-rest assessment. In other words, when you performed the assessment with the head lift, did your tissue feel tighter or shallower from when you were checking at rest? If so, that’s a good sign! That means your linea alba tissue can still generate tension. If you barely felt any difference at all, this is a sign of more compromised tissue, which may take longer to heal.
  5. Roll to your side to get up: Always remember to transition safely when moving from sitting up to lying down and vice versa by rolling to your side first. .


Tips for Improving Your Testing Accuracy

As mentioned, the DR test is an imperfect one, with several variables that can impact results. To improve your testing accuracy, follow the step-by-step process outlined above, and these additional tips:

  • Avoid testing if you are bloated (or within an hour of eating): Bloating pushes the abdominal contents forward, which can widen your gap.
  • Exhale when lifting your head (not after): The way you breathe during the assessment impacts the results. For the most accurate results, exhale a split second before you lift your head (completing your exhale as you lift your head). Avoid exhaling after your head is lifted.
  • Lift your head no more than one inch: Lifting your head too high will cause your gap to close a bit, which can make you think the gap is smaller than it really is. Lift only to the point where you feel your abdominal muscles activate. This is typically about an inch off the ground. 
  • Apply consistent pressure: Note the pressure you apply when you test. Try to apply this same pressure each time you check because how hard you press down also impacts your results.
  • When in doubt, assume DR: In some cases — especially when there is excess abdominal fat following pregnancy — DR can be difficult to assess. In these cases, you can simply assume you have DR and begin core recovery work. The deep core exercises in core recovery work are highly beneficial at any point, so engaging in core recovery work is never a bad thing!

What’s Next? Resources for Healing DR

We offer several resources to help you learn more about DR, heal it in your own body, or get certified to help others in their recovery. Explore the resources below:

  • Your Guide to Diastasis Recti: This guide gives you more information about DR — including its causes (natural pregnancy causes and suboptimal behaviors) and also includes key strategies to kickstart your healing — including postural adjustments and 5 powerful core recovery exercises ($27).
  • 8-Week Core Recovery Program: This is a self-guided program delivered on the ProNatal Fitness app. Each day, you’ll receive a 5 – 8 minute core recovery routine. Your routines progress each day to gradually take you through the entire ProNatal Core Recovery protocol and help you rebuild your core from the inside out. The program includes lifetime access so you can stop or restart any time ($79).
  • Become a ProNatal Certified CoachIf you are a health and fitness professional interested in learning how to train pre & postnatal clients, explore our industry-leading Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist Certification. In this in-depth course, you will learn the details behind the ProNatal Core Recovery Protocol and how to utilize it on all types of clients to heal DR and build a truly strong and functional core ($699 – $799).



Lee, D., & Hodges, P. W. (2016). Behavior of the Linea Alba During a Curl-up Task in Diastasis Rectus Abdominis: An Observational Study. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy46(7), 580–589.

Spitznagle, T. M., Leong, F. C., & Van Dillen, L. R. (2007). Prevalence of diastasis recti abdominis in a urogynecological patient population. International urogynecology journal, 18(3), 321-328.